Monday, August 10, 2009

Family Pictures 2009

I finally discovered my friend Isabelle's secret to her awesome picture collages, and I'm making the most of it!

Here are several groupings of our family pictures. Our photographer was my long-time good friend Lavinda, who does photography for a living. Here is her blog and website.

This is a collection of the best of the family and small group shots taken.

Here are the best shots of Elizabeth. A lot of them were attempts at head shots. Matt would love to see her onscreen. We'll see what happens!

Here are the Kael shots. There were so many good ones. He looked great in every shot we got. I only left out the ones where you couldn't see his face.

And here is Tristan. He would not give up that Dogga (his name for it) for anything! And it was super difficult to get him to stay still. Or smile. So it was hard to get them, but once we got the shots, they were nothing shy of AWESOME!

So there you have it. We had those done in May, I think it was... or June? July... oh I can't remember. Two or three weeks later, I completely changed my look, Matt had grown a goatee, and the kids had grown. I almost felt like I needed new pictures! Haha! Next year!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love, love, love the pics. You have such a beautiful family. Hope you are all doing well in your various locations.