Thursday, August 16, 2012

School, Bookworm, and a Photo Shoot!

Here's a little update on the family in general.

This was the first day of school, August 8th.  We are pleased to have a 3rd grader, a 2nd grader, and our brand-new kindergartener.  They're going to Discovery Plus Academy in Pima this year.  It was the only school I could find that would let Tristan, whose birthday is just past the September 1st deadline, test into kindergarten.  He passed preschool with flying colors, and I knew he was ready.  Kael had issues with Jack Daley Primary School last year, so I wanted to try him in a new school that seemed more able to cope with uniqueness in its students. And then, if the boys were going, we might as well get Elizabeth in there, too.  Every day when I pick them up and ask how school is going, I get responses from all of them such as, "Awesome!" "Cool!" and "I love going to school!"
It's rather funny that last year, Kael was throwing fits because he didn't want to go to school. Yesterday, he threw a fit because he never wanted to leave school! What a turnaround! And totally worth the drive to and from school.

This is a collage of Lorelai in a dress that I wore when I was about her age.  Isn't it just darling?! I don't have the picture of me handy, but you can be sure when I find my scrapbooks, I'll be digging it out and doing a side-by-side comparison.  What do you think, Mom? :)

 So once I was done with Lorelai, I felt like taking more pictures. So I did! These are some of my favorites.  I love my kids!!! And I think they like me, too. Always a plus. ;)

I'm not sure how it happened, but somehow, when I say, "Okay, let's go in the car!" it has become a cue for Lorelai to grab whatever books she can see and carry them to the car.  She then proceeds to read them during the entire trip, especially if she is alone, which she is often these days.  She loves books and reading!  She can sit for a long time just reading book after book, whether it's me reading to her, or her looking through it herself.  I've trained her so that after I read, I tell her it's her turn to read it, and she wanders off and reads it to herself! It's SO funny watching her read the books, hearing the inflections in her voice that she picked up from listening to me.  Her favorite book of the moment is one called Holler Loudly, which she loves because we get to yell really loud when it's Holler's turn to speak.

I love being a mom!  It's times like these that make every not-so-great moment worth it.

My baby is growing up though. Might be time for a new baby. ;)

Until next time!


Wednesday, August 15, 2012


This will be just a picture post. I'll do the story in a different post.

Ha ha. I'm so mean.

Anyway, heeeeeeeeeeere they are! (ala Price is Right)

Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!