I have a three year old again! It's just a little crazy to think about, so I try not to think about it! We took the family to a local entertainment place, the Rex, which also houses a movie theater and a bowling alley. I had taken Kael there along with my brother Rhydon, to see Batman: Dark Knight. Kael did pretty well! He recognized who the good guys were versus bad guys. Every time the Joker would come on he would tell me: "That's a mean guy!" And occasionally during scary parts he would run to me and cuddle for a few seconds. Then Batman would come on and start kicking butt and he'd shout, "Yeah! Go Batman! Whoo!" It was quite entertaining, I thought, and luckily the few others in the theater thought so too. In the end, he fell asleep, but he was happy. Before the movie, he showed an interest in their game room, so we decided to go there for his birthday. Some of the games weren't working, so it wasn't quite as fun as we'd hoped, but it was enough for the kids I guess because they didn't want to leave. We won enough tickets for Elizabeth and Kael to each get a couple pieces of candy from the prize room, and then we had fresh made ice cream from Sub Zero there in the Rex.
That was July 31. On Kael's actual birthday, we had pizza for dinner, and a chocolate cake with green frosting. He ate the pizza, but true to form, didn't eat much of the cake. It's never really been his thing. I think we'll have to do a "birthday dessert" of choice, instead of cake. Ice cream, or drumsticks, or what have you.
For presents, we gave him a Spiderman (loves him!) and a numbers placemat.
All in all, Kael deemed it a great birthday, and he's happy to be 3. Tomorrow we are moving him into big boy undies, no more diapers! I'm nervous, he's excited.
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